Friday, August 1, 2014

3 DIY Ways You Can Use Honey For Skin Care at Home

I was inspired to write about the attributes of honey after a conversation my neighbor and I had yesterday as she handed our daughter blueberries through the fence, and as I picked her one of our yummy, organic cucumbers from our garden. She mentioned how she has been inspired to research the more natural ways of using products already around the house after I shared my experiences with the healing effects of coconut oil (of which I promise to write about soon!). This made me all sorts of warm and fuzzy inside and now my hope is to inspire you to do the same!

So, let's talk about honey! It is a common household product that we love to pour over certain foods and enjoy in teas & sometimes even coffee, but what if we are missing out on something else really special about honey?

For thousands of years, all the way back to ancient India and Egypt, honey has been used as a natural skin care treatment. Honey was used in baths, mixed with oils or simply applied directly to the skin as a natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. Honey penetrates deeply into the pores, cleansing them of impurities, while also moisturizing the skin, giving a natural, radiating glow.

We have been known to use honey in our Moonsway products, of course, with our current and most recent creation being our facial mask that you can find here. With the combination of essential oils used, Australian clay, honey, and added oils, this mask will have you feeling brand new with each use!

But if you are feeling crafty and/or simply want instant gratification (....and I'm also speaking to those who are already eagerly holding the honey in ready position!), here are 6 ways you can use honey for skin care at home. Enjoy!!

  • Honey Mask~  The easiest way to use honey is to enjoy it in its pure, raw form without adding anything else at all! Dampen skin and apply a thin layer of honey in a massaging, circular motion. Allow to sit for as long as you want, but 15-20 minutes is a good amount of time. Rinse with warm water or a steaming hot wash cloth and feel instant results.

  • Honey Bath~  Another simple use for honey is to pour 1-2 cups under warm running water as you fill your bath. Soak for 20 minutes, or longer if you wish. This is a great go-to treatment during winter months for extra dry and itchy skin!

  • Honey Spot Treatment~   For blemishes, bumps and pimples, mix 1 egg white with a tablespoon of honey and apply directly to affected area. The egg white also naturally draws out impurities, adding extra strength to your honey treatment when needed, and is great for bringing white-heads and black-heads to the surface.

May you find inspiration to turn to honey, as well as other natural products for your skin care needs more often, while finding less attachment to chemically infused, commercially made products! Remember, what goes on your skin, soaks into your pores and enters into your bloodstream, essentially effecting how we operate on the inside.

As always, custom orders are welcome and encouraged! So if you would like something special made and would like us to make it for you, please visit our Moonsway Shop and request a Custom Order to fit your needs, wants and desires!

Thanks for reading, and happy experimenting~

<3 Amanda*

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